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Machine Translation Post-Editing

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, and other automatic translation tools, many companies have been handling their translation services in-house by implementing these technologies. However, not everything comes up roses. Despite the quality of the product generated, companies quickly move from the “delight” to “frustration.”

Machine translation is here to stay, as a way to speed up translations and reduce costs. However, navigating through this automation scenario can be rather complicated for companies whose core business is anything but translation. This is precisely where we can help!

Relying on trained post-editors, we offer machine translation post-editing service, which is nothing more than improving and enhancing the “product” generated by machine-translation or AI tools. As much as these tools have been improving, they cannot replace human work. Companies know this, and look to us to ensure a product with quality ranging from acceptable (for internal purposes) to very good (for external purposes).

There are actually two types of post-editing, which we call “basic” and “complete.” As the name implies, in basic post-editing, the objective is to correct the most “basic” errors, such as typos, punctuation, double spacing, formatting, syntax, etc., to make the text intelligible. These texts are generally used for in-company purposes and not for publication.

On the other hand, complete post-editing goes further and makes the automatic translation more fluid and natural-sounding. The aim is for the translation not to look like it was generated by a machine, but rather by human translators capable of producing text that is pleasing to the ear and technically correct.

It is also worth noting that this service depends on a prior analysis of the automatic translations submitted by the client. Based on this review, we will determine the price and turn-around time, or even decline the service. For example, if we identify that the client simply run the text through Google Translate and sent it to us, we will charge the price of a normal translation.

What is Text Transcription?

Transcription is word-for-word transposition of the spoken word into written form. It can be used for various occasions, such as training, lectures, interviews, podcasts, speeches, and teleconferences. The word “transcription” originates from Latin and is derived from the verb “transcribere,” which means “to make a written copy of” (from trans [across] + scribere [to write]).  Transcription requires a high level of oral comprehension, as the spoken word needs to be understood, even in a context that is often informal and full of interruptions. This process is usually time-consuming as well, because the transcription professional often needs to listen to the speaker several times to understand what they are actually saying.  

Outsourcing transcription service saves the client a lot of time and significantly reduces the error rate, ensuring a professional service.  Plus, we use several text transcription tools and technologies that speed up the process and reduce inconsistency.  

What are the advantages of machine translation and how can our post-editing service help?

Machine translation allows you to translate large volumes of texts quickly and at very affordable prices. Depending on the purpose, automatic translation may be adequate. However, the text generated by machine translation is far from perfect and can (and often should) be improved.

If your company wants to ensure a minimally reliable and accurate translation, you can count on our post-editing services. We’ll make use of the automatic translation provided and work on it to improve aspects of grammar, semantics, style, and fluidity. The result is a translated text that ranges from “acceptable” (for internal purposes) to “very good” (for external purposes).

Do you need to hire Machine Translation Post-Editing Services?

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